Meet Firefly
Our flagship aircraft, Firefly, is a UAS heavy lift workhorse, designed to carry 100lbs of payload for 1.6 hours [100 minutes] (with full payload), ~10x longer than all-electric systems. Integrated with our patented technology, Firefly can increase efficiency and availability of vertical lift operations for customers.
2-man portable, refuel in <5 minutes with no take-off infrastructure requirements; Firefly’s curated combination of power, lift, endurance, agility and versatility make it an adaptable workhorse for operations in austere and unpredictable environments.
Extended Possibilities
Leveraging patented Parallel Hybrid Electric Multirotor (PHEM) technology, Firefly’s is able to lift its own mass in payload, not including fuel. In combination with a ballistic parachute, the intrinsic redundancy of PHEM allows continued flight in the event of an engine failure, reducing the risk to sensitive and high value payloads.
Expanded Mission Profiles
At the heart (in all 4 arms) of Firefly is Parallel Hybrid Electric Module (PHEM), a patented propulsion technology developed by Parallel Flight, which enables its remarkable capabilities. Firefly’s hybrid modular architecture provides best-in-class endurance, with exponentially longer flight times and ranges in comparison to all-electric and serial hybrid platforms. With no batteries to charge and predictive maintenance schedules, including zero downtime drivetrain swaps, the high asset availability leads to low mission operational costs.